Becket Conservation Commission
Becket Town Hall 557 Main St. Becket, MA
April 18, 2013 6:30 PM
1. Approval of minutes from December 2012, February 2013 and March 2013.
2. Continued Notice of Intent Alice and Philip Shabecoff 96 Plumb Road Map 407 Lot 12 DEP #102-0389 Pond dredging maintenance to return a private pond to its original configuration and removal of nuisance weeds recreational purposes
3. Request for Determination of Applicability Denise Huggins 190 Greenwater Dr
Map 202 Lot 24 Partial repair of house foundation in area within 50’ of Greenwater Pond
4. Notice of Intent Steve Turner, Two State YMCA 748 Hamilton Road Map 211 Lot 1 and Map 212 Lot 43 DEP #102- 0390 Extension and improvements of an existing, auxiliary access road; new drinking well site and an associated access road in Buffer Zone; and the removal of the old landfill material to the current landfill
5. Administrative
a. MACC training
b. Ethics training
6. Other